Friday, January 6, 2017

Fun Games 

I went to "Make a Flappy Game," and I programmed a game similar to the popular app, "Flappy Bird," except the theme was Christmas and Santa had to go through the chimneys.I spent about twenty minutes with the game and I made it to level 9 (the highest level you can go on the game) I programmed this game on the Hour of Code website. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

 The Apprentice S2E11

"Never lose your cool" 

Image result for levi jeans the apprentice
  • They had to develop an in-store catalog for Levi Jeans brand
  • Mosaic- Wes // Apex- Kevin 
  • Their reward was to meet Billy Joel and have him perform for them 
  • Andy, Wes, and Maria were taken into the boardroom
  • Maria AND Wes were fired because they both had a tendency to snap easily
  • I liked this episode because I enjoyed learning about the fashion industry a little bit during this episode. It was also surprising to me that two people would be fired on this episode. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Boston Winter 

As part of Boston Mayor Martin J Walsh's vision to reinvent the City Hall Plaza, he created this new Winter Wonderland in the plaza. "Boston Winter" was designed to bring a slice of the North Pole into the heart of Boston. The festive installment sponsored by Berkshire Bank  features an ice skating path, shops run by local artists, food trucks, hot cocoa stands, and a pedal- powered light up tree. Boston Winter opened up on December 7th and is planned to run through the end of December, but the ice skating rink will be open until February.  This relates well to marketing because the use of social media was present in order to gain publicity for the new event. Small business owners and Etsy designers will sell their goods here, and the city of Boston will create revenue during the event series.

Old and New Coca-Cola Commercials 

Coca Cola Commercial 1950 

Coca Cola (Christmas) Commercial 2016

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

☺Chapter 29 Study Guide☺ 

Vocabulary 29.1:

Problem- Occurs when a business clearly identifies a problem or research issue and the information that is necessary to solve it 

Primary data- Is data obtained for the first time and used specifically for the particular problem or issue or under study

Secondary data- Is data that has already been collected for some purpose other than the current study.

Survey method- Is a research technique in which information is gathered from people through the use of surveys or questionnaires

Sample- is a part of the target population that is assumed to represent the entire population to get survey results

Observation Method- is a research technique in which the actions of people are watched and recorded either by cameras or observers 

Point-of-sale Research- is a powerful form of research that combines natural observation with personal interviews to get people to explain buying behavior. 

Experimental Method- is a research technique in which a researcher observes the results of changing one or more marketing variables while keeping certain other variables constant under controlled conditions.

Data Analysis- is the process of compiling, analyzing, and interpreting the results of primary and secondary data collected.

Vocabulary 29.2 :

Validity- existed when the question asked measure what was intended to be measured

Reliability- exists when a research technique produces nearly identical results in repeated trails

Open-Ended questions- asks respondents to construct their own response to a question. Ex; "How can we be better?"

Forced-Choice questions- asks respondents to choose answers from possibilities given on a questionnaires.

Research Steps:

1.) Defining the Problem- The problem or research issue is identified and goals are set to solve problem.

2.) Obtaining Data- Researchers obtain data from primary and secondary sources

3.) Analyzing Data- Researchers compile,analyze, and interpret the data

4.) Recommending Solutions- Researches come up with potential solutions to the problem and present them in a report

5.) Applying the Results- Managers use the research report to make decisions about the marketing strategies in relation to the researched problem or issue. 

Other Main Points:

  • Pros of secondary data include that it is easily obtained and is readily available to view. The cons is that it may not be available for the problem under study. Additionally, it may be inaccurate. Researchers are encouraged to find free or low-cost secondary data to avoid the cost and time of collecting primary data. 
  • Good questionnaires have good validity and reliability. 
  • Different questions include yes/no questions, multiple choice, rating scale,and level of agreement.

Minor Points:
  • Survey questions can be either open ended or forced choice.
  • All surveys should have clear deadlines, should have an explanation of the purpose of the survey, and make sure the people taking the survey are unbiased. 
  • Secondary data is obtained by internet sources, U.S. Government sources, consumer and business information companies, and business and trade publications.
  • Primary data is obtained through surveys and the observation method. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Feaster Five Thanksgiving Day Road Race

The 29th annual Feaster Five Road Race in Andover will be held this Thursday (Thanksgiving) morning. On this scenic race through the streets of Andover, runners will get to choose at the top of the hill whether they run the 5 kilometer race, or the 5 mile race. At the end of the race, each participant will receive an Apple Pie and a wicking shirt with he race logo imprinted on it .

Image result for running shoes