Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Link to Video Game Presentation 

What to do Now? 

The majority of this class does not buy lunch, and only 15% buy lunch every day of the week. Mostly females answered this survey, and it was distributed by half seniors and juniors.  The fan favorite of the lunches was the "Pizza Fridays" and the most popular lunch among our F Block class is Pizza. Over HALF of the class agreed that they are not satisfied with the school lunch, while only 30% said they are satisfied with it. For the final question, I asked "if you could add to the school lunch menu, what would you add?" and the most popular item is ice cream. 

To make my survey more effective, I could have expanded it out to other classes, and even people who are not taking this marketing course. This way, I would more responses with more variety. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

Take my RMHS Lunch Survey!
Marketing- Real

  • Flyers
  • Word of Mouth
  • Announcements 

Our goal for the project was to promote our RMHS sports teams as they make it on to the State Championship! 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Social Responsibility- The Boston Red Sox 

The Red Sox Foundation

The Red Sox Foundation is committed to improving the lives of children and adults across the New England area. The Foundation's efforts are primarily focused on improving health, educational and recreational opportunities, as well as social service programs in urban neighborhoods. For example, in  September 2009, the Red Sox Foundation launched a major new program to serve New England based veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress and their families. 

John Hancock Fenway Fantasy Day 

Since 1953, the Red Sox and the Jimmy Fund have been a team, working in support of cancer research at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. During this fun filled day, patients at the Jimmy Fund will be able to pitch. hit, and run the bases at Fenway,and feel like they are a member of the team. Volunteers and sponsors can join a team and help fund raise the event. Last year at the event they raised over $220,000 to support cancer research at the Dana Farber institute. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

5.1 Business and Social Responsibility 

1. A business is all of the activities involved in producing and marketing goods and services. 

2. The two primary functions in a business are production and the marketing of goods and services.

3. A business can be categorized in four ways; by size, by profit orientation, by the market served, and by the kind of product provided. 

4. E-commerce  is important because in this day in age, so much stuff is done through electronics and it makes it easier for the customer to purchase the product online instead of going to the store. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Video Game Part III: History 

Super Mario Brothers  

The Original Game 
Image result for super mario brothers original nintendo
Original game in 1985 
 First developed for Arcades in 1985, and then later in 1987 it was released by the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) for play on the Game Boy.

  • Image result for modern super mario bros
    Modern Game in 2014

The Modern Game 

  • In 2004, the Nintendo DS launched and now the popular game is played on this platform. In 2009, Nintendo also made this game available to play on the Wii. 

This game is also made to play online, on websites such as 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Video Game Part II: The Marketing Mix Report

Arching With Innis

This game, Arching With Innis provides an in-depth virtual archery experience like no other, with personal mentoring from 6 time Olympic Gold Medalist, Hubert Van Innis. Innis will guide archers through the basics of archery, proper form, target techniques and critical evaluation of the individual performance.  

Target Market

Our target market of this game includes ages 10 to 30, all with various archery experiences.


Arching with Innis is a Prima Sports Video Game licensed by Zazz intended to introduce beginners and further skill intermediates to the long- loved game of Archery. Olympic Gold Medalist, and first Belgian to win a Gold Medal, Hubert Van Innis will take players through all the steps it takes to become the best archer in the world. It will be available on Wii, Xbox, and PlayStation.


Our game will cost $39.99 on all Wii, Xbox, and PlayStation consoles. 


Our game will be available to purchase at all major retailers; such as Target, WalMart, Best Buy. Game Stop, and Costco. 


We plan to promote our game by holding stands in local malls so shoppers can stop by and play the game for a few minutes. We will raffle off a few of the games by having potential customers give us their email for further promotional information, and in return they will receive a chance at winning the game. We had television ads on live television during the Olympics, and our team visited a couple of college campuses to allow students to try out our game. 

Monday, October 3, 2016

 The Wii archery game, Archery ASA, Olympic Archers, Olympic Archery 

Game Name
Location Sold (5)
Target Market
Wii Sports Resort
Game Stop
E Bay
Players Choice
Ages 7-20
-Archery Game
-Water Sports
Archery Tournament
App Store
Google Play
Microsoft Store
Ages 15-30
-Feels like real archery
-Time attack mode
-Beat high scores with checkpoint system
Deca Sports Freedom
Game Stop
Best Buy
E Bay
Ages 10-18
- Kinect game- so no wires
-games, races, meets
-Sports and figure skating