Friday, September 23, 2016

Generation X 1965-1976 "The Lost Generation" 

Gen·er·a·tion X
  1. the generation born after that of the baby boomers (roughly from the early 1960s to mid 1970s), often perceived to be disaffected and directionless.

1. Characteristics:
Accept diversity
They reject rules
Killer life
Mistrust institutions
Very PC
Use technology
Latch-key kids
Friend-not family

2. Reference Source
Law Practice Today  

3. Images that represent the people: 

Jimi Hendrix dies during  this generation

MTV debuts, first space ship takes off 
4. TV Shows Gen-Xers would enjoy and remember 
Marlo and the Movie Magic Machine (79-80)
Throb (86-88)

5. Movies 
The Breakfast Club
Dazed and Confused 

6. Magazines
Time Magazine
Entertainment Weekly Magazine 

7. Entertainment Events
The Beatles 

8. Vacation spots Gen Xers would enjoy:
Spring Break- Mexico, Turks and Caicos, Jamaica
Domestic- Colorado, New York City, Las Vegas 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Toy Hall of Fame - Blog Research #1

1. After doing some research on the Toy Hall of Fame website, I came across a list of the final 12 toys that made the list. My favorite 5 toys on the list include: Bubble Wrap, Pinball, Care Bears, a Swing, and UNO. These toys are classic toys that children have grown up with. Bubble Wrap was actually intended to become wallpaper, but after a mishap, consumers quickly became entertained by popping the bubbles. Care Bears are soft bears which promote friendship and kindness. The pinball machine is not only popular in arcades, but also in homes. The swing really took off during the suburban movement in America, with most families owning a swing in their backyard for children to use. Lastly, the family card game, UNO, is popular with everyone. Creative branding like Elvis Presley themed UNO and Disney themed UNO helped promote the game even more.

2. Once I looked at the Hall of Fame list, I became nostalgic. Most of these toys, such as a the swing and Care Bears are toys that I used when I was younger. Another thought I had was that I never considered "bubble wrap" to be a toy. I guess the term toy could be anything that provides entertainment for the consumer. Bubble Wrap undoubted has created entertainment for the consumer. Looking at this Hall of Fame was really cool to look at and view what toys are popular today.

Post #1: Introduction

  1. I am in 12th Grade.
  2. I have a younger sister who is a Sophomore at the High School.
  3. My favorite subject in school is Math or English
  4. Outside of school I enjoy to run Cross Country and Indoor and Outdoor Track
  5. My favorite TV shows are Modern Family and Awkward.
  6. My favorite movies include 21 Jump Street, This is the End and Deadpool.
  7. When I am not busy I enjoy to exercise and listen to music.
  8.  If I could go out to eat tonight, I would either go to Chipotle or Bellino's in Wakefield. 
  9. Another fun fact about myself is that I enjoy to go to the beach.